Olympia small claims affidavit
Small Claims Court
- Who Can Sue And Be Sued?
¿Quién puede demandar y ser demandado?
- How Much Does It Cost?
¿Cuál es el costo?
- How Do I Get Started?
¿Cómo Empiezo?
- Serving The Notice
Notificando a la parte demandada
- What If We Settle?
¿Y si llegamos a un acuerdo antes de la audiencia?
- Preparing For The Trial
La preparación para el juicio
- What Happens At The Trial?
¿Qué sucede durante la audiencia?
- What if a party doesn't appear at the hearing?
¿Qué pasa si una de las partes no comparece a la audiencia?
- How Do I Collect My Money?
¿Cómo cobro mi dinero?
- What Happens If You Lose?
¿Qué pasa si usted pierde?
Note: This information is intended to be a general statement of small claims procedure.
For more detailed information, please consult applicable provisions of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW), Chapters 3.66, 4.16, 4.28, 12.40, and applicable provisions in the Civil Rules for Courts of Limited Jurisdiction, Rule 5 (CRLJ 5). RCWs and court rules can also be found at your local library. To contact a court directly, search our Court Directory.
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