Modeling Agency Contract Template

Modeling agency contracts are signed agreements between a model and the agency representing their interests. It lays out the rights and obligations for both parties under the contract. It is always a good idea to get legal advice prior to signing a modeling contract. Initially, both the agency involved and the model being represented must provide specific data about themselves including name, business address, phone numbers, and email. Be sure to include all social media platforms and online points of contact.

The agreement is entered into as on (Date) by and between [Sender.Company] , hereafter referred to as the Agency, with its principal place of business at [Agency.StreetAddress] [Agency.City] ​ [Agency.State] [Agency.PostalCode] and [Model.FirstName] [Model.LastName] , hereafter referred to as the Model.

Model enters into this agreement as, and shall continue to be, an independent contractor. Under no circumstances shall Model look to the Agency as an employer, but as an agent that procures employment (modeling jobs) for the Model.

Model shall not be entitled to any benefits provided to Agency employees, including but not limited to workers compensation, disability insurance, and vacation or sick pay.

Agency shall be responsible for providing, at no additional expense to the Model, any and all licenses and permits required to perform the services necessary for this agreement. Agency also guarantees that any and all modeling jobs procured by Agency on Model’s behalf will comply with all local laws and civil codes and carry the requisite amount of on-site insurance for Model to appear at the location.

Whereas the below listed Model wishes to retain the below listed Agency as Model’s promoter and representative, the below listed parties hereby agree to enter into this Modeling Agency Contract.


​ [Sender.City] , [Sender.State] , [Sender.PostalCode] ​


​ [Model.City] , [Model.State] , [Model.PostalCode] ​

Contract Timeline

(Include contract start and end date)



​ [Model.FirstName] [Model.LastName] hereby appoints [Sender.Company] to represent them, as Agency, in any and all forms regarding modeling, contracts, shows, and any other business matters related to their modeling career.

By allowing [Sender.Company] limited power of attorney, the Agency will conduct agreements on behalf of [Model.FirstName] [Model.LastName] , as well as provide signatures on any contracts and agreements on behalf of the Model.


Once this contract comes into effect, the Model may seek counsel or advice from the Agency, and/or its members, regarding all professional matters that are within the scope of this Contract.

In the case of the Model witnessing or having witnessed, or facing or having faced, any inappropriate, unethicaI, immoral, or illegal behavior when working with/for the Agency, including all modeling jobs and time spent at Agency's offices and among Agency’s personnel, the Model has the right to report this behavior back to the Agency, go on record with Agency’s legal and HR departments as applicable, and receive sound advice and guidance from Agency that will outline next steps, if required, are taken to ensure Model’s career and independent contractor status remain professional and supported by the Agency.

Model also agrees that seeking the Agency's professional opinion (unlike reporting inappropriate behavior) is the Model’s choice, and the Agency’s opinions are given at its own discretion. Model will not hold the Agency or any of its members liable for any unfavorable outcomes, directly or indirectly, resulting from any Agency advice.

However, if the Agency advice given is illegal, unethical, or immoral or is specifically given to protect or benefit the Agency or any of its associates or partnerships against the Model, the Model may seek remedy against it, in whichever way they deem necessary.