Special Education (SPC_ED)

This course familiarizes and orients students with MU resources, College of Education programs and expectations and career options, emphasizing Special Education. Graded on S/U basis only.

Credit Hour: 1

SPC_ED 3100: Applied Behavior Analysis and Autism

Students will learn the behavioral principles and techniques currently employed to help children with autism acquire functional language, appropriate social behavior, and general academic and living skills as well as decrease problematic behaviors. The objectives of this course are to: 1) To identify and describe key features of applied behavior analysis (ABA), particularly as it applies to intervention for children with autism. 2) To identify and describe key issues in curricular design, program development, and evidence-based interventions in autism. 3) To become familiar with key outcome research in behavioral interventions for children with autism. 4) To become familiar with key research on language, social skills, self-help skills, and problem behavior reduction as these areas relate to the behavioral treatment of autism. Successful completion of this course meets the "40-Hour Training" requirement towards a Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) certification. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

SPC_ED 3600: Research and Practice in Applied Behavior Analysis

Students will learn about the principles and procedures of applied behavior analysis through weekly reading assignments, discussions, and presentations. Student will gain experience applying this knowledge to improve behavior in a practical setting. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: SPC_ED 3100

SPC_ED 4020: Teaching the Exceptional Learner

Teaching the Exceptional Learner addresses topics in the foundations of pedagogy for students with disabilities in inclusive settings, including the roles and responsibilities of the general educator and related service personnel with respect to special education law and policy, behavior management, universal design for learning, and evidence-based practices. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Recommended: Progression into Phase II

SPC_ED 4300: Introduction to Special Education

Introductory overview of the field of special education; historical developments, characteristics of special populations, and compliance with state and federal regulations.

Credit Hours: 3

SPC_ED 4310: Behavioral and Classroom Management

(cross-leveled with SPC_ED 7310). Study of classroom management and applied behavior analysis strategies. Focus on teacher as decision-maker in the design, implementation, evaluation of individual and group management programs. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

SPC_ED 4311: Classroom and Behavior Management in Special Education

(cross-leveled with SPC_ED 7311). The purpose of this course is to help special education teachers examine and understand the principles of classroom and behavior management that can be applied in every classroom or learning environment, and the process for individualization for youth with disabilities. This course will examine theories related to behavior development, collaborating and co-teaching in relation to classroom and behavior management, interventions situated within a multi-tiered system of support with an emphasis on targeted and individualized supports, and the development of functional behavioral assessments and behavior intervention plans. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

SPC_ED 4320: Assessment and Evaluation in Special Education

(cross-leveled with SPC_ED 7320). Procedures and instruments used in the assessment of individual with disabilities, including standardized and non-standardized measures of intellectual ability, academic achievement, oral language, social/emotional behaviors, career/vocational needs.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: SPC_ED 4300

SPC_ED 4325: Language Development of Exceptional Students

(cross-leveled with SPC_ED 7325). Study of language and communication issues and disorders in special education; normal and atypical language development; language assessment and intervention models and programs.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: SPC_ED 4300

SPC_ED 4330: Collaboration and Consultation in Special Education

(cross-leveled with SPC_ED 4330). Study of communication, problem-solving, collaboration strategies. Application of strategies to work with exceptional students, their families, other professional members of interdisciplinary, interagency teams.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: SPC_ED 4300

SPC_ED 4370: Literacy in Special Education

(cross-leveled with SPC_ED 7370). Addresses specific literacy needs of students who are at-risk or have special needs with a focus on assessment and instruction in general education classrooms.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites or Corequisites: SPC_ED 4300

SPC_ED 4371: Literacy in Special Education II

(cross-leveled with SPC_ED 7371). Advanced study in literacy methods and research for students with disabilities. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: SPC_ED 4370 or SPC_ED 7370

SPC_ED 4375: Cross Categorical Special Education

(cross-leveled with SPC_ED 4371). Study of characteristics of students with cross categorical disabilities and other pertinent issues including inclusion, assessment, and evaluation practices.

Credit Hours: 3
Recommended: Admittance to Phase II

SPC_ED 4380: Methods in Cross-Categorical Special Education

(cross-leveled with SPC_ED 7380). This course is designed to provide students with research-based instructional and behavior management methods for use with student with cross-categorical disabilities.

Credit Hour: 3-4
Prerequisites: SPC_ED 4375 and SPC_ED 4940
Recommended: Admittance to Phase II

SPC_ED 4380W: Methods in Cross-Categorical Special Education - Writing Intensive

(cross-leveled with SPC_ED 7380). This course is designed to provide students with research-based instructional and behavior management methods for use with student with cross-categorical disabilities.

Credit Hour: 3-4
Prerequisites: SPC_ED 4375 and SPC_ED 4940
Recommended: Admittance to Phase II

SPC_ED 4390: Transition in Special Education

(cross-leveled with SPC_ED 7390). This course is designed to help students acquire the knowledge base needed to promote students with disabilities to successfully transition to adulthood. The course is organized around problems of practice including understanding, the barriers to transition, important legislation, models of practice, and assessment and planning. The role of the family and interagency collaboration is addressed. In this course, students have opportunities to reflect on processes to empower successful transition of students with disabilities to employment, postsecondary education, and independent living. Graded on A-F only.

Credit Hours: 3

SPC_ED 4401: Topics in Special Education

In-depth study of certain developments, findings, trends and issues in one or more areas of special education.

Credit Hours: 3

SPC_ED 4500: Science and Social Studies for Struggling Learners

(cross-leveled with SPC_ED 7500). This course will focus on the study of diagnostic and instructional techniques for the teaching of science and social studies. In this course, students will study the characteristics of students who struggle in science and social studies. Students with develop a knowledge base of effective practices for assessment and teaching strategies in science and social studies. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Recommended: Admitted to Phase II in Special Education

SPC_ED 4600: Diagnosis and Remediation of Learning Problems in Math - Middle

(cross-leveled with SPC_ED 7600). The study of diagnostic and remedial instructional techniques for the teaching of mathematics. Emphasis is placed on alternative teaching methods and strategies. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

SPC_ED 4887: Non-Credit Internship in Special Education

Undergraduate field experience in settings that support students with disabilities. May be taken more than once. Course appears on transcript for zero credit and does not count toward full-time enrollment. No tuition or fees are charged. Graded on S/U basis only.

Credit Hours: 0
Prerequisites: instructor's consent

SPC_ED 4940: Cross-Categorical Special Education: Practicum I

Involvement in meaningful field-based activities that extend and/or apply content information from SPC_ED 4375.

Credit Hour: 1-4
Prerequisites or Corequisites: SPC_ED 4375
Recommended: Admittance to Phase II

SPC_ED 4941: Practicum in Cross-Categorical II

(cross-leveled with SPC_ED 7941). The purpose of this course is to provide students with experience in applying the content of Special Education 4380 (i.e. assessment and intervention strategies for use with students with cross categorical disabilities). This course may be repeated for credit.

Credit Hour: 2-3
Prerequisites or Corequisites: SPC_ED 4380
Prerequisites: SPC_ED 4375 and SPC_ED 4940

SPC_ED 4972: Capstone Seminar and Portfolio in Special Education

Students in final student teaching internship will meet weekly to examine and compare their internship experiences. Analysis, synthesis, evaluation and problem solving are the focus of the examination of various aspects of pedagogy and experience. Additionally, students will develop and submit for scoring their State mandated certification portfolio.

Credit Hour: 1
Prerequisites: SPC_ED 4981
Recommended: Enrollment in final semester of student teaching internship

SPC_ED 4981: Internship in Special Education

(cross-leveled with SPC_ED 7981). This field experience provides preservice interns a semester-long public school experience where they simultaneously engage in a unique combination of observation and teaching. Through observation, conferencing, reading, discussion, demonstration, and participation, the preservice intern will synthesize the course concepts of the Senior Year On-Site Program (SYOSP). Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hour: 4-10
Recommended: Admittance to Mid-Level Special Education

SPC_ED 7020: Teaching the Exceptional Learner

Teaching the Exceptional Learner addresses topics in the foundations of pedagogy for students with disabilities in inclusive settings, including the roles and responsibilities of the general educator and related service personnel with respect to special education law and policy, behavior management, universal design for learning, and evidence-based practices. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Recommended: Progression into Phase II

SPC_ED 7300: Introduction to Special Education

Introductory overview of the field of special education; historical developments, characteristics of special populations, and compliance with state and federal regulations.

Credit Hours: 3

SPC_ED 7310: Behavioral and Classroom Management

(cross-leveled with SPC_ED 4310). Study of classroom management and applied behavior analysis strategies. Focus on teacher as decision-maker in the design, implementation, evaluation of individual and group management programs. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

SPC_ED 7311: Classroom and Behavior Management in Special Education

(cross-leveled with SPC_ED 4311). The purpose of this course is to help special education teachers examine and understand the principles of classroom and behavior management that can be applied in every classroom or learning environment, and the process for individualization for youth with disabilities. This course will examine theories related to behavior development, collaborating and co-teaching in relation to classroom and behavior management, interventions situated within a multi-tiered system of support with an emphasis on targeted and individualized supports, and the development of functional behavioral assessments and behavior intervention plans. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

SPC_ED 7320: Assessment and Evaluation in Special Education

(cross-leveled with SPC_ED 4320). Procedures and instruments used in the assessment of individual with disabilities, including standardized and non-standardized measures of intellectual ability, academic achievement, oral language, social/emotional behaviors, career/vocational needs.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: SPC_ED 4300

SPC_ED 7325: Language Development of Exceptional Students

(cross-leveled with SPC_ED 7325). Study of language and communication issues and disorders in special education; normal and atypical language development; language assessment and intervention models and programs.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: SPC_ED 4300

SPC_ED 7330: Collaboration and Consultation in Special Education

(cross-leveled with SPC_ED 4330). Study of communication, problem-solving, collaboration strategies. Application of strategies to work with exceptional students, their families, other professional members of interdisciplinary, interagency teams.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: SPC_ED 4300

SPC_ED 7370: Literacy in Special Education

(cross-leveled with SPC_ED 4370). Addresses specific literacy needs of students who are at-risk or have special needs with a focus on assessment and instruction in general education classrooms.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites or Corequisites: SPC_ED 4300

SPC_ED 7371: Literacy in Special Education II

(cross-leveled with SPC_ED 4371). Advanced study in literacy methods and research for students with disabilities. Graded A-F only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: SPC_ED 4370 or SPC_ED 7370

SPC_ED 7375: Cross Categorical Special Education

(cross-leveled with SPC_ED 4375). Study of characteristics of students with cross categorical disabilities and other pertinent issues including inclusion, assessment, and evaluation practices.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: professional standing in Phase II

SPC_ED 7380: Methods in Cross-Categorical Special Education

(cross-leveled with SPC_ED 4380). This course is designed to provide students with research-based instructional and behavior management methods for use with student with cross-categorical disabilities.

Credit Hour: 3-4
Prerequisites: professional standing in Phase II, SPC_ED 4375, SPC_ED 4940

SPC_ED 7390: Transition in Special Education

(cross-leveled with SPC_ED 4390). This course is designed to help students acquire the knowledge base needed to promote students with disabilities to successfully transition to adulthood. The course is organized around problems of practice including understanding, the barriers to transition, important legislation, models of practice, and assessment and planning. The role of the family and interagency collaboration is addressed. In this course, students have opportunities to reflect on processes to empower successful transition of students with disabilities to employment, postsecondary education, and independent living. Graded on A-F only.

Credit Hours: 3

SPC_ED 7500: Science and Social Studies for Struggling Learners

(cross-leveled with SPC_ED 4500). This course will focus on the study of diagnostic and instructional techniques for the teaching of science and social studies. In this course, students will study the characteristics of students who struggle in science and social studies. Students with develop a knowledge base of effective practices for assessment and teaching strategies in science and social studies. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

SPC_ED 7600: Diagnosis and Remediation of Learning Problems in Math-Middle

(cross-leveled with SPC_ED 4600). The study of diagnostic and remedial instructional techniques for the teaching of mathematics. Emphasis is placed on alternative teaching methods and strategies. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

SPC_ED 7940: Cross-Categorical Special Education: Practicum I

Involvement in meaningful field-based activities that extend and/or apply content information from SPC_ED 4375.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites or Corequisites: SPC_ED 4375, professional standing in Phase II

SPC_ED 7941: Practicum in Cross-Categorical II

(cross-leveled with SPC_ED 4941). The purpose of this course is to provide students with experience in applying the content of Special Education 4380 (i.e. assessment and intervention strategies for use with students with cross categorical disabilities). This course may be repeated for credit.

Credit Hour: 2-3
Prerequisites or Corequisites: SPC_ED 4380
Prerequisites: SPC_ED 4375 and SPC_ED 4940

SPC_ED 7981: Internship in Special Education

(cross-leveled with SPC_ED 4981). This field experience provides preservice interns a semester-long public school experience where they simultaneously engage in a unique combination of observation and teaching. Through observation, conferencing, reading, discussion, demonstration, and participation, the preservice intern will synthesize the course concepts of the Senior Year On-Site Program (SYOSP). Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hour: 4-10
Prerequisites: ED_LPA 7060; Admittance to the College of Education
Recommended: Admittance into mid-level Special Education

SPC_ED 8085: Problems in Special Education

Credit Hour: 1-99
Prerequisites: instructor's consent

SPC_ED 8090: Masters Project Research Hours

Restricted to students enrolled in the graduate program. Graded S/U only.

Credit Hour: 1-3

SPC_ED 8100: Concepts and Principles in Behavior Analysis

This course will provide an overview of both classic and contemporary theory and research on nonhuman and human learning. We will focus on a behavior-analytic conceptualization of learning and the underlying research on basic processes and operations that result in learning. The readings and class discussions will provide you with a strong foundation in the psychology of learning from a behavioral orientation, with particular emphasis on the relation between biological and environmental contributions to selection of behavior. To effectively produce socially significant behavior change among members of clinical populations, we must approach the task with a thorough understanding of these basic principles - we cannot stray from our principles.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites or Corequisites: Admission to the Master's Program in Applied Behavior Analysis or Graduate Certificate program in Applied Behavior Analysis. Others need to contact faculty individually

SPC_ED 8210: Using Assessment to Guide Instruction

This course is designed to present information on the evaluation of individual student skills and the effects of instruction on those skills. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

SPC_ED 8215: Evaluation and Data-Based Decision Making in Special Education

The purpose of this course is to provide advanced study of the assessment of children and youth. Students will (1) critically examine the academic literature on the nature of academic skill acquisition, academic assessment, and the identification of disabilities in school-aged children and youth; (2) acquire skills needed to administer, score, and interpret commonly used academic assessment measures; and (3) communicate assessment results in the context of written reports and verbal feedback. Cultural and linguistic considerations in the use of these instruments will be reviewed, as well as the professional, theoretical, and practical aspects of academic assessment. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Recommended: SPC_ED 8325

SPC_ED 8250: Developmental Processes in Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders

This graduate level course will focus on understanding autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders from within a developmental framework. An understanding of typical development is essential in order to recognize when developmental problems arise. By the same token, developmental disorders can elucidate the complexity of development among typically functioning children. The course will compare and contrast typical and atypical development across major developmental domains. We will begin with an overview of the field and foundational concepts, and will then move to an examination of key developmental domains and selected neurodevelopmental disorders (as examples of atypical development in each domain). Throughout the course, students will be encouraged to relate concepts and empirical findings to their respective professional interests. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Recommended: Recommended for students in the Applied Behavior Analysis master's and graduate certificate program

SPC_ED 8300: Students with Behavioral Disorders

Study of characteristics of students with behavioral disorders as they relate to best practices for assessment, instruction, and intervention. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: SPC_ED 4300 and instructor's consent

SPC_ED 8305: Ethics in Applied Behavior Analysis

This graduate level course provides the student with an in-depth coverage of ethics and professional behavior in applied behavior analysis. This course will help the student become prepared to sit for the Behavior Analyst Certification Board exam. This course primarily emphasizes Content Area #1 (Ethical Considerations) but also Content Areas #4, 5, and 8 (Behavioral Assessment, Experimental Evaluation of Interventions, and Selecting Intervention Outcomes and Strategies) of the Behavior Analysis Task List - Fourth Edition. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Student must be enrolled in the Graduate Certificate in ABA or Master's in ABA program

SPC_ED 8310: Students With Learning Disabilities

Study of characteristics of students with learning disabilities as they relate to best practices for assessment, instruction, and intervention. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: SPC_ED 4300 and instructor's consent

SPC_ED 8325: Language and Communication in Special Education

This course provides educators with the information needed to identify, understand, and teach students with language and communication disabilities, difficulties, and/or differences, including students who speak a home language other than English or who speak non-standard English. The course is broken into three sections. Section One addresses the components of speech, language, and communication with a focus on the typical acquisition process and how language impacts literacy skills. Section Two looks at language and communication characteristics of specific populations and strategies for supporting their language, communication, and literacy development. Section Three discusses assessment of language and communication and evidence-based interventions for all aspects of language, which include listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Section Three also addresses the challenges of identifying language disorders in students whose home language is not English, and providing culturally consistent intervention for students whose home language is not English or those who speak non-standard English. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

SPC_ED 8330: Advanced Teaching Mathematics in Special Education

This course will focus on the advanced study of diagnostic and remedial instructional techniques for the teaching of mathematics. In this course, students will study the characteristics of students who struggle in mathematics. Students with develop a knowledge base of effective practices for assessment and teaching strategies in mathematics. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

SPC_ED 8331: Advanced Collaboration and Consultation

This course is designed to help students advance their knowledge in concepts related to effective and inclusive collaborative practices for school personnel. Emphasis is placed on advanced communication skills needed in leadership, consultative, and collaborative positions to foster partnerships that are meaningful, cooperative, productive, and inclusive. Additionally, this course provides information on diverse experiences to increase cultural competence for educators. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

SPC_ED 8335: Foundations of Science of Reading for Children with Disabilities

The purpose of this course is to provide teachers with knowledge regarding current research and issues specific to educating students with disabilities in the area of reading. Topics will include historical and contemporary perspectives on reading instruction and assessment, and implementation of evidence-based practice to improve phonological awareness, decoding, word recognition, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. Spelling and written language will also be addressed as they pertain to reading instruction. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Recommended: SPC_ED 8325

SPC_ED 8336: Applications of Science of Reading for Children with Disabilities

The purpose of this course is to provide graduate students with advanced study in research and application of the science of reading. According to the International Literacy Association, the science of reading is "a corpus of objective investigation and accumulation of reliable evidence about how humans learn to read and how reading should be taught." The focus of the course will be on the corpus of evidence on how reading should be taught with students with, or who are at-risk for developing, disabilities including dyslexia. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: SPC_ED 8335
Recommended: SPC_ED 8325

SPC_ED 8340: Advanced Studies in Developmental Disabilities

Current theories and practices and their historic roots through examination of empirical and descriptive literature.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: admission to graduate study and instructor's consent

SPC_ED 8350: Research with Exceptional Children

Explores significant, historical, and current research in special education. Emphasizes the application of research, methodology, and findings relative to problems facing the practitioner.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: instructor's consent

SPC_ED 8353: Advanced Studies: Single Subject Design

The course is for advanced graduate students in special education, k psychology, related fields and includes behavioral measurement, single subject research designs, data analysis methods, critical analysis and evaluation of single subject research and research proposal. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: instructor's consent

SPC_ED 8355: Grant Writing

Preparation of research, demonstration, training, or other grant proposals meeting the criteria for competitive funding by a federal agency; review and evaluation of proposals.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: admission to graduate study and instructor's consent

SPC_ED 8360: Special Education Administration

Principles, protective safeguards, and general practices associated with the organization and administration of special education; legal foundations for special education; selection, training, and supervision of personnel.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: instructor's consent

SPC_ED 8365: Research Design in Special Education

Overview of professional writing and intermediate research applications with a focus on knowledge and skills needed for higher level doctoral work in statistics and research design.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: ESC_PS 4170 or equivalent, SPC_ED 8350 or equivalent, and instructor's consent

SPC_ED 8370: Foundations I: History, Law and Policy in Special Education

The changing concept of disability will be viewed from the perspectives of history, legal issues, and policy traced from early Greek and European periods through contemporary times.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: instructor's consent

SPC_ED 8375: Foundations II: Pedagogical Theories in Special Education

A study of theories of teaching as they apply to special education with emphases on empirically based practices, historical trends, current theories, and the relationship between theories of learning and teaching.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: instructor's consent

SPC_ED 8380: Nature and Needs of Gifted and Talented Students

A conceptual and empirical examination for educational personnel of student identification procedures, special populations, programming issues, research topics and teacher competencies.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: instructor's consent

SPC_ED 8385: Individualized Assessment and Intervention

This course builds upon the basic principles of learning and applied behavior analysis presented during previous courses in the Behavior Analysis core. The course will offer advanced coverage of the functional assessment of problem behaviors. In particular, there will be a strong emphasis in the functional analysis of problem behaviors. Additionally, this course will focus on how identification of function guides treatment development (i.e., function-based treatments). Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: SPC_ED 8100

SPC_ED 8387: Seminar in Special Education

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: instructor's consent

SPC_ED 8391: Curriculum Methods for Gifted and Talented Students

A theoretical examination for educational personnel of specific instructional approaches including structure of intellect, enrichment triad, empirical research, and creative problem solving.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: SPC_ED 8380 or instructor's consent

SPC_ED 8405: Assessment and Evaluation in Gifted Education

Seminar focuses on practices for identifying students for gifted education programs, evaluation models applicable to school programs and strategies for grading and evaluation of gifted students.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: SPC_ED 8380 or instructor's consent

SPC_ED 8406: Differentiating Instruction: Reaching Gifted, Typical and Struggling Learners

Explores various instructional approaches to help meet the learning needs of a range of learners from gifted through struggling and at-risk students. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Introduction to Special Education; instructor's consent

SPC_ED 8410: Administration and Supervision of Gifted Education Programs

This course focuses on developing a working knowledge of issues and competencies, policies and evaluation in the administration of gifted education programs . Rational, goals, and design for gifted education programming will be addressed. Current research and best practices in program design and administration will be examined. Assessment, communication with all stakeholders, advocacy and professional development will addressed. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

SPC_ED 8440: Advanced Behavior Management: Applied Behavior Analysis

This course will provide graduate students with advanced theory and knowledge in behavior management. Emphasis will be placed on understanding and using the principles of applied behavior analysis. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

SPC_ED 8441: Supporting Emotional and Behavioral Health in the Classroom

This course includes an overview of evidence-based Tier 1 (classwide universal) and Tier 2 (targeted) Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) which can be applied in general and special education classrooms. This will include prevention and response strategies for school-aged students with social, emotional, and behavioral health support needs in school. Specific topics will include tiered service delivery frameworks like PBIS, universal screening, behavior function, Tier 1 classroom management strategies, Tier 2 targeted strategies, and data-based decision-making. The primary purpose of this course is to provide educators with actionable strategies to better support the social, emotional, and behavioral health needs of their students. As such, there will be an emphasis on the application of concepts to real-world situations currently faced by teachers, students, parents, and other school personnel. In addition, strategies for identifying, evaluating, and adopting relevant, evidence-based Tier 1 and Tier 2 intervention strategies will be covered. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

SPC_ED 8450: Verbal Behavior

This course will provide an introduction to a behavior analytic approach to the study of language (i.e., verbal behavior). The course will have two related focuses: (a) the theoretical underpinnings of a functional approach to language and (b) a review of the testing and application of the theory of verbal behavior in research and practice. During the first half of the semester, we will read and discuss Skinner's analysis of verbal behavior (VB). During the second half of the semester we will survey the literature base supporting a behavior analytic approach to language and will also discuss the application of verbal behavior analysis to practice. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: SPC_ED 8100
Recommended: HLTHPSYC 8200

SPC_ED 8455: Advanced Studies in Behavioral Disorders

Contemporary issues a historical perspective; theoretical perspectives or models which guide research, policy, and intervention approaches.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: admission to graduate study and instructor's consent

SPC_ED 8460: Survey of Applied Behavior Analysis

This course builds upon the basic principles of learning and applied behavior analysis presented during previous courses in the Behavior Analysis core. The course will offer coverage of the many different applications of behavior analysis (e.g., behavioral medicine, behavioral gerontology, substance abuse, organizational behavior management, etc.). Finally, this class will cover topics related to professional development. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: SPC_ED 8100 or HLTHPSYC 8200

SPC_ED 8475: Advanced Studies in Learning Disabilities

Major current issues, trends, and controversies in learning disabilities; theories, research, and practices in learning disabilities.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: admission to graduate study and instructor's consent

SPC_ED 8485: Introduction and Methods of Early Intervention

This course will enhance individual knowledge and skills necessary to design, implement, and evaluate research-based strategies and practices in home and center-based programs for infants and toddlers with disabilities, consistent with the philosophical and legal requirements of IDEA Part C.

Credit Hours: 3

SPC_ED 8490: Assessment in Early Childhood Special Education

Procedures and instruments used in assessment of children with special needs, including screening, diagnosis, interpretation of diagnostic findings, and application to instructional plans.

Credit Hours: 3

SPC_ED 8495: Introduction and Methods of Early Childhood Special Education

This course will enhance individual knowledge and skills necessary to design, implement, and evaluate research-based strategies and practices in community or public school integrated programs for preschools with disabilities, consistent with the philosophical and legal requirements of IDEA Part B Section 619.

Credit Hour: 2-3

SPC_ED 8500: Systems Level Behavior Analysis

This course will offer an introduction to the application of behavior analytic concepts and principles to problems of human behavior at the systems level. Students will learn the basics of modifying behavior at the systems level, which includes clinical settings. Class assignments will help the students learn to apply the concepts discussed in class to their own work environment. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: SPC_ED 8100

SPC_ED 8520: Meeting the Needs of all Learners

The purpose of this course is to provide information on current research and methodology on teaching students who are struggling or who have disabilities. Open only to teaching fellows. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

SPC_ED 8601: Introduction to Autism

This course provides an introduction of children youth with autism spectrum disorders. Topics include: historical and theoretical foundations, diagnostic and assessment approaches, and characteristics. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Introduction to Special Education; instructor's consent

SPC_ED 8602: Methods of Instruction for Students with Autism

Overview of interventions for individuals with autism spectrum disorders and strategies needed for teaching. Best practices and promising practices will be presented. Course graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: SPC_ED 8601, instructor's consent required

SPC_ED 8603: Social Competency for Students with Autism

Course provides a framework for addressing social competence deficits experienced by students with autism. Course graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: SPC_ED 8601, instructor's consent required

SPC_ED 8604: High Functioning Students with Autism

The course is designed to increase understanding and ability to support individuals on the Autism Spectrum who have average to above average intelligence. Course graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: instructor's consent

SPC_ED 8605: Young Children with Autism

Current research on characteristics, diagnosis, and intervention for very young children with autism. Strategies for support children and their families. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: instructor's consent

SPC_ED 8606: Assessment in Autism, Special Education

This course covers procedures and instruments used in assessment of school-aged children with autism, including screening, diagnosis, interpretation of assessment findings, and application to instructional plans. Graded on A-F only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: SPC_ED 7300
Corequisites: SPC_ED 8601

SPC_ED 8700: Evidence Based Methods and Critical Inquiry in Cross Categorical Disabilities

This course provides students with research-based instructional and behavioral management methods for use with students with cross-categorical disabilities. In additional to creating a more detailed knowledge of strategies related to the instructional needs of children, youth, and adults with learning disabilities, emotional and behavioral disorders, and intellectual disabilities, students will learn to apply critical inquiry skills in evaluating the evidence base for specific interventions as well as how best to implement techniques and support schools in the adopting these interventions. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 4

SPC_ED 8800: Practicum in Applied Behavior Analysis

The Practicum in Applied Behavior Analysis provides practical training in ABA. Graduate students will participate in an intensive practicum that focuses on developing well-rounded training in ABA. Students will work hands on with children at the MU Thompson Center for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders. By the completion of the practicum, students will be well versed in the development of skill building programs as well as behavioral reduction programs that focus on function-based interventions (e.g., functional analyses). Graded on S/U basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: Students must be enrolled in the Graduate Certificate in ABA or Masters of Science in ABA programs

SPC_ED 8900: Capstone in Applied Behavior Analysis

The capstone will consist of a clinical question or direct replication of previous research, which will serve as a demonstration of the student's knowledge of applied behavior analysis. The expectation is that the thesis will add to our current clinical knowledge in ABA. Graded on S/U basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-9
Prerequisites: Graduate student in the M.S. program in Applied Behavior Analysis

SPC_ED 8940: Practicum: Students with Behavioral Disorders

Graduate field experience in educational setting for students with behavioral disorders. Application of competencies from SPC_ED 8300.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: instructor's consent

SPC_ED 8943: Practicum in Special Education

Provides graduate practicum experience relevant to the education of exceptional students.

Credit Hour: 1-10
Prerequisites: SPC_ED 4300 and instructor's consent

SPC_ED 8946: Practicum: Gifted Education

Provides graduate field experience in the area of gifted education.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: instructor or advisor's consent

SPC_ED 8947: Practicum: Early Childhood Special Education

Graduate field experience in an approved setting for young children with special needs. May be repeated.

Credit Hour: 1-10
Prerequisites: instructor's consent

SPC_ED 9090: Research in Special Education

Graded on a S/U basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-99
Prerequisites: instructor's consent

SPC_ED 9387: Professional Seminar in Special Education

Designed to provide overview of Special Education, CEHD program requirements, and general graduate student expectations. Students STRONGLY encouraged to take course first semester in graduate program. Graded on S/U basis only.

Credit Hour: 1

SPC_ED 9940: Internship: College Teaching in Special Education

Individually guided and supervised college teaching experiences. Competency based activities using portfolio assessment methods. May be taken more than once. Graded on S/U basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: instructor's consent

SPC_ED 9941: Internship: Special Education Research

Individually guided research internship with doctoral advisor and/or faculty mentor(s). Opportunity to develop research competencies either on individual or collaborative projects. May be taken more than once. Graded on S/U basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-99
Prerequisites: instructor's consent

SPC_ED 9942: Internship: Professional Practice in Special Education

Individually guided internship in the public schools and/or agencies serving students with special needs or exceptionalities. Focus on professional practices, administrative practices, and/or evaluation practices. Graded on S/U basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-99
Prerequisites: instructor's consent

Published by the University Registrar, 125 Jesse Hall, Columbia, MO 65211
Phone: 573-882-7881