What You Should Know About SAFEs

When early stage founders are looking to raise money, they are often choosing between using Simple Agreements for Future Equity (SAFEs) or convertible notes. Our clients often ask what the difference is between the two and, though they are similar in some respects, SAFEs have some distinctive characteristics that you should be aware of. Key features of SAFEs are discussed below, and for a primer on convertible notes please check out this article on convertible notes.

A SAFE is an investment instrument that converts the holder’s value into equity of the issuer upon certain triggering events. As the name suggests, SAFEs were designed to be simpler, more streamlined, and an easier way for founders and investors to align quickly on an investment. Like convertible notes, SAFEs are popular in early-stage financings because they allow companies to raise money and investors to invest money without having to value the company before either party knows how much the company it is worth. Like convertible notes, they are sometimes also used for later-stage bridge financings as well.

While SAFEs originated in Silicon Valley, SAFEs (and other non-debt convertible securities with different names but similar terms) have also recently become popular in other markets, such as the UK and Singapore. This article mainly focuses on the US market, but the fundamental principles are consistent across most markets with an active venture capital scene.

Some Background on SAFEs

To understand how SAFEs work, it is helpful to have some context as to how they were created, and the issues they were designed to address.

In 2013, Startup accelerator Y Combinator first released SAFEs as an alternative to convertible notes, which are more investor-friendly in some respects. At the time the industry was flush with cash and founders found themselves with an unusual amount of bargaining power over financing terms. Instead of being bogged down with the negotiated terms of a Note, the idea was to create a short agreement that companies and investors could use that stripped away the debt-like features of convertible notes such as a maturity date and accruing interest, thereby simplifying early-stage financings for startups. SAFEs became widely popular, and in 2018, Y Combinator released a modified version of the SAFE with somewhat different terms, called the “post-money” SAFE (in contrast to the original “pre-money” SAFEs). We will discuss the difference between these versions below; for now, just know that the main difference between pre-money and post-money is the point at which the equity conversion is calculated upon an equity financing. This article focuses on the current post-money form of SAFE, except where we indicate otherwise.

Primary Features of SAFEs: