Treaty with the Sioux, etc., 1825

This 1825 treaty was signed between the United States and several Native American tribes, including the Sioux, Chippewa, Winnebago, Ottawa, and Potawatomi. Its main purpose was to promote peace and establish boundaries between the Sioux and Chippewa tribes, who had been at war, as well as with other neighboring tribes like the Sac and Fox. It established lines dividing the land of the different tribes, with details on rivers, lakes and other geographic features marking the borders. The tribes acknowledged U.S. supremacy and disclaimed dependence on any other nation. The treaty also provided for future councils to be held with tribes like the Yancton Sioux and Ottoes to get their formal assent and deal with any unsettled land claims. Overall, through boundary lines and peace agreements between tribes, the treaty aimed to avoid wider Native wars over land.

Treaty Details:

Document Title: Treaty with the Sioux, etc., 1825

Document Date: 08/19

Document Year: 1825

Document Language: English

Document Themes: Reconciliation; Land Distribution; Sovereignty; Property Rights

Key Figures
Treaty Locations

Geographical Location:


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